Keeping your details up to date help you you receive the right information about your pension, and ensure your pension is paid on time.
The following forms are being updated as part of our change to a new administrator. They will be available again early in 2025.
The following form is being replaced with an online process as part of our change to a new administrator. It will be launched early in 2025.
- Change your name or marital status
If you have any questions in the meantime, please call us on 0333 222 0077.
Expression of Wish Form
You can name who you would like to receive any cash sum payable on your death by completing an Expression of Wish form. It’s important to keep your Expression of Wish up to date so it reflects your wishes. We have to pay out any money in line with the rules of the Scheme, which means we do not have to do what it says on your form. But we will take your wishes into account where we can.