If you have not yet taken your MPS pension benefits, this section explains more about your benefit statement and pension increase arrangements, and tells you how to find out what you might receive at retirement, together with links to other helpful information.
Your benefit statement
Your benefit statement is normally sent out every three years and includes the following information:
- The current value of the benefits payable to you based on your contributions to the Scheme during your membership and your pensionable earnings. This is known as the Guaranteed Pension;
- The current value of any bonuses (which are not guaranteed);
- The benefits payable from your Normal Retirement Age (NRA), including any options that are available to you;
- The benefits that would be payable on your death to your spouse or a qualifying dependent, if you die before your pension goes into payment. The statement also shows the benefits payable to your estate if you do not leave a spouse or qualifying dependent.